How Bilingual Homeschooling is Beneficial for Future Success? | HomeSchoolToGo


Benefits of Bilingual Education:

People who believe in bilingual education already know this, but now the scientific community agrees. Bilingual education is suitable for kids in many ways. Some of these benefits:

  • A better executive function and protection from cognitive decline and dementia are benefits of having a healthy brain.

  • People who speak more than one language have more options for college. They can choose which university to apply to, in which country, based on the languages they speak.

  • Because speaking a second language can make a candidate stand out to potential employers, it can open up more job opportunities.

  • It will be easier to learn more languages if you know two.

  • Because being bilingual is more than just learning a language. It also means learning about another culture and another way of living.

  • Getting a head start on social and emotional skills like reading social cues and showing empathy is a good idea.

These benefits can be seen in real life, but what are they like?

How will these benefits look for my child in the long run? How would you answer that? Because each person is different, these benefits will show up differently.

The process of learning a new language is easy for young children. In preschool, they have a safe, nurturing, hands-on place to play, learn, and grow. Children learn the language very quickly because our curriculum is based on questions. Kindergarten is all about teaching kids how to be confident and independent learners. Learning how to find and use your unique voice is an excellent time for students in school! Elementary school students keep going on the path they started in Preschool and Kindergarten by connecting their own experiences to classroom lessons. Language learning is taught in a more organized way and is linked to what is going on in the classroom.

After they finish our program, many of our alumni study languages in middle school, high school, and even college. People who go to school with us often stay in touch and tell us their good news. We are delighted to write about them on our blog and newsletters. It's great to follow our blog and find out more about our programs and different language and educational tools.

Case Study

Chris Munjar, a GIS alumnus, says that a trail leads to where he is now that can be traced back to GIS. To get to this point in his life now, Munjar had to go through many hardships as a child. He went to the German International School, where he learned about the world around him, for many years. Munjar studied German at GIS from 2000 to 2006, and he says that if he hadn't gone there, "his current outlooks would be very different." He says that if he hadn't gone there, "his current outlooks would be very different."

This fall, Munjar will be going to Vienna, Austria, to study how different surfaces affect the growth of bacteria. Linfield College said this in a press release. He applied to the Fulbright Program in Austria because he had already studied German at GIS and spent time studying abroad in Austria during his college years.

He says, "I'm currently taking steps to become a professor of organic chemistry, and Fulbright is a way for me to get more teaching and research experience, so that I can be the best professor I can be."

They want to follow Munjar's journey as he builds on the work he did at GIS a long time ago. This is wishing him the best of luck as he pursues a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry and teaches at the university level. This word is most relevant here.


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